Unit 5

Practice Spelling Test

Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
1. The day after today is .
2. If you have many things, you have of things.
3. You start something at the .
4. When you keep something apart, you keep it .
5. Something that is required or needed is .
6. The day between Tuesday and Thursday is .
7. If someone feels thankful, they are .
8. Jimmy does not like science. He likes all school subjects science.
9. Something that happens frequently happens .
10. If something will likely happen, it will happen.
11. Something that is absurd, laughable, or deserves to be made fun of is .
12. Johnny always tells the truth because he believes in the of honesty.
13. The person who is in charge of a school is the .
14. It looks like it is going to rain. The will be bad.
15. I do not know if I will do well on this test. I do not know I will know all of the answers.
16. The month after January is .
17. Monica's mom went the store.
18. Monica's mom bought far many eggs.
19. Monica only needed one dozen eggs, but her mom bought three dozen. Monica's mom bought dozen many.
20. Jimmy wants go college.
21. One, , three, four, . . .